KGSTV is designed to send HD images. It can handle far bigger images at a much better quality than mmsstv. Set the input and output devices to the same vb cables as used with mmsstv. KG- STV is a bit different in the way it works - so not the same as mmsstv.
Download zip file from:
- Sender sends image.
- Receiver gets image - often with 'blocks' missing..
- You will see buttons below the Send Image button on GKSTV. Send [X] BSR : where [X] is number of blocks you need to get to complete the image.. - the receiver clicks on the Send (number) BSR box.
- This requests only the missing blocks from the sender
- The sender has a box that says Resp BSR .. this RESPonds to the request and sends only the blocks needed.
- Sender clicks on Resp BSR, blocks are sent. - receiver again clicks on Send (number) BSR .. sender gets request, clicks Resp BSR.. -- until the reciever has full image..
- Use Mode MSK : Code Normal : Scale 1.00 : (in the boxes to right of Send Image button}
Images gradually build - result is perfect high quality image